immigration advice in Christchurch

4 Questions for a Lawyer Helping you with an Immigration Advice

You need a lawyer to handle your immigration advice in Christchurch. But how do you choose the right one? We’ve put together this guide for you, answering some of the most common questions about choosing a lawyer and giving you a good idea of what is going to happen next.

What are your responsibilities as an immigration adviser?

Immigration advice will have expertise in different areas of immigration law and will be able to advise you on your specific situation. They may also be able to provide specialist knowledge about particular countries or regions.

  • Your responsibilities as an immigration adviser
  • As an immigration adviser, you must:
  • act professionally and with integrity at all times;
  • act in the best interests of your client;
  • be honest and upfront about your qualifications, experience, training and fees;
  • not make false claims about yourself or your firm;
  • not give misleading information about laws or processes

Why do I need a lawyer to help me with a visa application?

A lawyer can help you with the whole process of your visa application. They will know the right questions to ask and what documents you need to provide. They also can advise you on how to prepare yourself for interviews and other communication with immigration officials.

immigration advice in Christchurch

What will happen if I don’t have a lawyer?

If you don’t have a lawyer, there is a higher risk that your application will be rejected. Without legal advice, it is difficult for someone to know all the requirements for each visa category or how those requirements apply to their individual circumstances.

The result is that many people make mistakes that may lead to their applications being rejected or being refused entry at the border, even when they meet all the requirements for their visa type.

What can I do to avoid making common mistakes?

The most important thing is to hire the right lawyer who can help you with your case. The second important thing is to be honest, and open with your lawyer and immigration advice Christchurch. It’s very important that you tell them about all the facts in your case, even if they are not favourable to you.

If you have committed a crime or have been convicted of a crime, it’s best to tell your lawyer about it upfront. Also, if there are any other documents that may affect your case, it’s important that you provide those as well.

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James Lions

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